Top Silicone Rings You Can Buy Online

Silicone rings offer a lot of benefits to people who work with their hands, enjoy exercising, play sports or otherwise want to wear a wedding ring while using their hands. Traditional wedding rings look great, but they are fragile and potentially dangerous. If you want to find a comfortable, safe and robust alternative to a conventional wedding ring, you may be wondering what your best options are.

Top Silicone Rings You Can Buy Online

Groove Life Wedding Ring

Groove offers some high-quality and attractive wedding rings. They use a non-porous silicone that won’t break down even if it is exposed to oils and other damaging materials. Additionally, the brand has a wide range of choices for color, style and shape. You can be confident you will find something that works well for your needs.

The Groove Life is one of the most popular rings offered by Groove. It features a simple, two-tone style that closely matches the look of a more conventional wedding ring. Additionally, it has eased edges and internal air ports that keep it from trapping moisture against your skin. This is a nice solution for one of the common problems with older-style silicone rings.

Enso Infinity Wedding Ring

The Enso Infinity ring is a fantastic choice for both men and women. It is without a doubt one of the more stylish options on the market. Enso makes excellent-quality rings made from a medical-grade silicone. Additionally, the brand’s anti-ring-avulsion technology helps ensure your finger is safe from accidents. The rings are designed to break if they get caught in any dangerous situation, protecting your hands.

The unique infinity design of this band is a nice metaphor for the bonds of marriage. The internal markings and edges are designed to make this ring extremely comfortable, even for all-day use. All in all, this is an excellent choice for anyone who wants an alternative to the traditional, metal wedding band. It’s also great for an active couple that wants to switch to something safer during recreation.

Bondwell Gravity Wedding Ring

If you are looking for something especially durable, the Bondwell Gravity may be for you. It is made from a high-grade silicone that can take nearly 45 pounds of tensile strength to break. It also features hydrobead technology that repels water and moisture, making it more comfortable to wear.

These rings are designed for gym use. If you are living an active lifestyle, this may be the choice for you. It will stand up to constant abuse. Keep in mind, however, that it is less likely to break if you are ever wearing it in a situation where it may get caught. Nonetheless, if you want a well-made, useful silicone ring designed with an active lifestyle in mind, this is worth serious consideration.

Find Your Ideal Silicone Ring

All three of these rings are available online both from their own websites and on retailers such as Amazon. Each has slightly different features but any of the three could make an excellent wedding band. Find one that you think looks great and give it a go. You’ll be impressed with the comfort, safety and durability of silicone rings.

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