Why Couples Are Buying Silicone Instead of Gold

If you and your partner recently got engaged, wedding rings may be a hot topic of conversation for you. You’ve likely already discussed ring design, style and cost. For some, nothing beats a gold wedding band, but silicone rings have made a splash in the jewelry market. Here are five reasons why couples are buying silicone instead of gold rings.

Why Couples Are Buying Silicone Instead of Gold

1. Price

First off, silicone rings retail for approximately $10-20 on average. Manufacturers such as Enso Rings, QALO and Ventureborn sell basic bands for a few dollars. These prices make this kind of jewelry accessible to ring seekers with tight budgets. It’s a compelling reason to forgo an expensive gold, platinum or even diamond wedding ring. This low price point also means it’s a no-brainer to replace your ring if you damage or lose it.

2. Safety

Durable and strong, silicone rings are a safe alternative to gold wedding rings. A gold or metal ring can catch on equipment or objects, causing ring avulsion, which is an injury to the finger or hand. Under the same conditions, a silicone ring will break free from your finger. Enso Rings is among the manufacturers that apply anti-ring-avulsion technology to their products. Unlike metal ring wearers, silicone ring wearers don’t need to fear a ring accident or injury.

3. Care

When you invest in a gold or platinum wedding ring, you’re also investing in cleaning and repair costs. Over time, these expenses outweigh the cost of a silicone ring and its care. For most silicone rings, you can create a soaking solution of warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Once you’ve soaked your ring for a few minutes, daily grime should come off as you rinse it.

4. Hypoallergenic

Hypoallergenic materials are of particular interest to professionals who work with their hands. Many silicone ring manufacturers use premium hypoallergenic medical-grade silicone. This versatile material won’t irritate the wearer’s skin or finger. This is a huge selling point for people who suffer skin irritations from gold and other metal rings. Even people with sensitive skin have found silicone rings to work for them.

5. Comfort

While traditional gold wedding bands look beautiful and elegant, they sometimes feel uncomfortable. Metal rings can constrict your fingers in hot weather or at high altitudes. They can also take a beating when in contact with other hard surfaces such as hand tools or gym equipment. Thanks to silicone’s soft and lightweight nature, silicone rings can expand and contract with your fingers without causing pain or discomfort. Manufacturers often incorporate innovatively perforated, grooved or ventilated designs to promote breathability and comfort. Many silicone ring wearers report they forget they’re even wearing a ring!

These are just five of the many reasons why couples are choosing silicone over gold rings. There are also reasons of countless designs, colors and sizes, which make silicone rings accessible to every ring seeker out there. No matter your and your partner’s style and design aesthetic, you’re bound to find the silicone ring that’s right for you among retailers’ vast inventories.

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