Why Metal Rings Are Dangerous

Most wedding rings are made of metal. The type of metal can vary, from gold and silver to tungsten carbide and titanium, but these materials make up the bulk of wedding rings available. Unfortunately, there are a number of safety concerns related to metal rings. Find out why a metal ring may be a dangerous option and learn about alternative ring materials today.

Why Metal Rings Are Dangerous

Electrical Conductivity

Most metals are highly conductive. Although electrical wiring and appliances typically use copper to conduct electricity, gold and silver are excellent conductors as well. For most individuals this isn’t an issue. However, many different careers involve the risk of electrical shock. If you work in one of these careers, you may not be able to wear a metal wedding ring on the job:

  • Welders
  • Electrical engineers
  • Electricians
  • Security system installation technician

Many companies in these industries forbid wedding rings at work. If you aren’t going to wear your wedding ring to work, it’s a significant investment that will only be worn for a small part of the day.

Dangers of a Caught Ring

Other professionals who work with their hands or work around heavy equipment, such as carpenters, factory employees and farmers, also risk their health by wearing a wedding ring at work. Metal rings can become lodged into moving pieces or caught on a workpiece. This could easily cause your ring to become lodged. At best, this will merely lodge your wedding ring and require assistance to remove it. At worst, it could cause permanent damage.


Many metals cause allergic reactions to some individuals. While not serious, the symptoms of metal allergies are uncomfortable and inconvenient. They can include redness, swelling and extreme itching.

Nickel is the most common metal that causes these reactions, but individuals may be allergic to nearly any type of metal. If you or your partner has a metal allergy, you may want to consider a hypo-allergenic wedding ring alternative.

Difficult Removal

As you age, your fingers may begin to swell. Other instances can also cause your fingers to swell, like a bee sting or exercise. A stuck ring can be a liability if you ever need surgery or if your ring becomes stuck or lodged in an area. Some metal alternatives, like silicone rings, are easy to remove and have a 40-pound limit. This means that, in the event of an emergency, you can break or cut your ring off without worrying about damaging your finger.

Scratching Surfaces

While not common, some individuals scratch soft surfaces with their wedding ring. Depending on the design, a thick band or diamond can catch on fabric or scratch softwood surfaces. Don’t let your wedding ring damage your furniture or clothing, but invest in a quality wedding ring with a soft, smooth surface.

Discover the Benefits of Silicone

A silicone wedding ring effectively avoids all of these issues. Silicone is hypo-allergenic, non-conductive and easy to remove in the event of an emergency. Whether you work with your hands or are concerned with a metal allergy, enjoy an affordable, personalized and iconic wedding ring today. Choose silicone for a safe wedding band that will last a lifetime.

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