Are Silicone Rings Eco-Friendly?

Finding a quality ring that’s good for the environment can be challenging. Many materials are not only dangerous to dispose of, but even the manufacturing process is destructive to the environment. Thankfully, silicone is an eco-friendly option for wedding rings and other jewelry. Compare silicone to other common ring materials today to find out more. You can enjoy a beautiful ring or other jewelry without adversely affecting your environment.

Are Silicone Rings Eco-Friendly?

How Is Silicone Made?

Despite its reputation for being similar to plastic, silicone is made from dramatically different substances. Medical-grade silicone is made primarily from silica. Silica is a natural ingredient typically found in sand. This makes it environmentally friendly to create and dispose of.

Silicone is flexible enough to remain comfortable, but won’t shrink or stretch out over time. This is why most silicone ring manufacturers are confident in providing a lifetime warranty on all products. Silicone is safe for active lifestyles, so it’s an eco-friendly option for nature lovers and adventurous individuals alike.

Silicone vs Plastic

Unlike the natural ingredients of silicone, plastic jewelry uses a wide range of chemicals. These ingredients and their byproducts are not environmentally friendly and can pollute waterways, poison animals and even have adverse effects on humans. Plastic is becoming a major pollutant in the ocean, so it’s important to avoid plastic products when searching for affordable jewelry.

Silicone is safe for the ocean and animals. Unlike plastic, it doesn’t slowly degrade and leave plastic debris that can be harmful for animals. Silicone is resistant to oxidative deterioration, so you can enjoy a long-lasting wedding ring or other jewelry without worrying about it’s impact on the environment.

Another advantage of silicone is its long-lasting qualities. Plastic quickly degrades and is susceptible to damage from temperature changes and harsh cleaners. Silicone is a durable material that is resistant to temperature changes, oxidation and other issues. When you proudly sport a silicone ring, you can start a conversation about ring materials and their eco-friendliness. Doing so can spread the word and encourage other individuals to turn to silicone instead of plastic, gold, diamonds and other materials with environmental concerns.

Environmental Concerns of Traditional Rings

Traditional wedding rings and other precious jewelry aren’t made with plastic, but instead are created with gold, silver and diamonds. Unfortunately, these raw materials also have negative consequences on the environment and wildlife. Each one is linked with a particular environmental risk.

Gold typically requires a literal ton of ore to be mined before a few tenths of an ounce is mined. This clears land, disrupts environments and harms animal populations across the globe. Diamond mining is linked with clearing indigenous peoples’ land and using unsafe workplace practices. These precious materials may last generations, but so do the impacts they have on societies, individuals and the environment.

When you choose a silicone wedding ring or other important piece of jewelry, you can promote environmentally friendly practices while still enjoying a stylish, long-lasting symbol. Enjoy an exceptionally eco-friendly product and receive a stunning, personalized band that fits your lifestyle and your values of environmentalism.

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