Category: General Questions

Why are silicone bracelets so popular

Why are silicone bracelets so popular?

Years before Lance Armstrong became persona non grata in the world of cycling, he made the yellow Livestrong silicone wristband cool when he wore it in the 2004 Tour de France. That spawned a popular trend that exists even today, widely adopted by festivals, charities and various causes. Yes, they are colorful and look cool. Yes,

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Why Couples Are Buying Silicone Instead of Gold

Why Couples Are Buying Silicone Instead of Gold

If you and your partner recently got engaged, wedding rings may be a hot topic of conversation for you. You’ve likely already discussed ring design, style and cost. For some, nothing beats a gold wedding band, but silicone rings have made a splash in the jewelry market. Here are five reasons why couples are buying

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Why Metal Rings Are Dangerous

Why Metal Rings Are Dangerous

Most wedding rings are made of metal. The type of metal can vary, from gold and silver to tungsten carbide and titanium, but these materials make up the bulk of wedding rings available. Unfortunately, there are a number of safety concerns related to metal rings. Find out why a metal ring may be a dangerous

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Bikers

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Bikers

When it comes to buying wedding rings or any other rings, silicone is becoming increasingly popular. Whether you’ve been thinking about getting a silicone ring for a while or you’ve only recently heard of them, there are a few things you should know. These types of rings may not be the best choice for everyone.

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Construction Workers

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Construction Workers

Professional construction workers, carpenters, electricians and general contractors all typically leave their wedding ring at home during the workday. These hands-on careers put safety at a premium, so they can’t afford a workplace accident caused by a wedding ring. Thankfully, silicone rings avoid all of the common issues with metal wedding bands. Learn more about

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Sport and Commercial Fishers

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Sport and Commercial Fishers

Whether fishing is your passion or profession, the great outdoors poses many challenges. Besides the obvious test of luring catches, you contend with environmental conditions on many excursions. Even if you’re fishing on a perfect day with plenty of sun and clear skies, you have another problem: What if you lose your ring? Silicone rings

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Personal Trainers

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Personal Trainers

Humans have been wearing jewelry for thousands of years. For most of that time, we’ve worn rings forged from a variety of metals. Throughout history, these metals have been prized for their rarity, hardness or aesthetic value. Silicone rings are now gaining popularity, but they’re more than just the trend du jour. With unique material

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Weightlifting or Fitness

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Weightlifting or Fitness

If you lift weights or hit the gym or trail while wearing a metal ring, it may cause you pain or irritation from time to time. Sure, you can remove it while you exercise but have you thought about switching to a silicone ring that you don’t have to take off? Here are five reasons

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Rock Climbers

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Rock Climbers

How do you like to stay in shape? Some people like to go to the gym while others will get on their bike and hit up some nearby trails. However, if you need a real adrenaline rush, then there is nothing like grabbing your gear and going rock climbing on the face of a mountain.

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Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Military Personnel

Why Silicone Rings Are Great for Military Personnel

Military personnel do a lot of great work for their country and their families. When someone currently active in the military decides to settle down, it is an exciting time. However, there can be a problem when the couple goes out to see what kind of wedding bands are available. While the service member can

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